Thursday 21 April 2011

bile hidup macam katak bawah tempurung....

i love blog walking..
to be frank..i have stuck at the same office and company for the past 4 1/2 years..
i met male 100x than female..
my office only have 2 ladies including me..
therefore, it puts me in a situation where i do not know what is going on in the outside world..
in term of whats hot and whats not!

you must be terkejut and pelik if i tell you this..
how back dated i am..

YES.. i have never tasted macaroon, red velvet what so ever..
i even do not know where to get them..
and YES i even never tasted tiramisu as well..teruk kan..?

in term of fashion..i got nobody to talk to..
the other lady is a mother of 3 and not so bothered about all this fashion stuff..
but she is a lovely lady..

in term of places to hang out..
YES i never go for clubbing before..
never in my life..
KLCC..i think i went there the last time was last year..
mid valley, pavillion, lagi la..dgr nama je..berkurun tak jejak kaki..
about bangsar shopping centre..lalu je okeh..
and yes i am not living in hulu kelantan or terengganu..
or perkampungan orang asli..
i stayed in sri damansara..

i dedicated all my life to my family..
my life to my hubby and son..
hubby is always away since we got married..
leaving me and son..
i am not complaining but i knew that this is HIS test to me..

on weekdays i am working..
so there is no time for me to go out..since you know kl..
tak jam tak sah:)

on weekends,  i rather go back to my parents in seremban..
and spend time with them..
i do not have me time at all..
but i don't mind..
i tried to be with them as much as i can..
but yes i do miss my lovely hubby so very much..

if there is ever a chance..
i would love to go to see my hubby who is in kuantan..

i am so happy coz labour day fall on sunday..
and we could go for public holiday on monday..
i am taking this opportunity to spend all my time with my other half..
and could bring aariz out of the house..
boleh main pool..yeay

owh..nasib skang ni ade byk blog..
i could release my tension by reading and surfing the net..
i get a lot of informations..

i have to thank to all the bloggers..
for being so lively and giler2 in their writings..
at least ..they made my day!
suke sgt tgk entry dgn gamba2..
tak kisah la cite pasal anak ke, laki ke, rumah ke, tempat2 baru ke, gamba makanan ke..

i learn new things as i blogged..
lotsa recipes, tips, info and understands better in certain things..
i have to say..blogging allows me to exclusive breastfed my baby...
aku amek korang2 punye experience and try and error kat aku..
and guess works!

ok la..before aku mengarut panjang2..
i better stop now..
esok nak balik kampung yeay!

tomorrow is going to be my eldest brother's birthday..and my youngest niece..
yes the same day!

owh my niece sangat comel and temban..
kata anak mat salleh..
yes my second brother get married to british lady..
aariz memang sayang sangat ayra..
every time he sees baby..
he will say "agha' means ayra!


goblogbyfarah said...

laaa bukan erma je. farah pun tak pernah rasa macaroon and red velvet yang selalu disebut2 tu :(

Erma Azman said...

ye ke farah:(
we have been so dedicated to family least i know i am not alone:)
p/s:iman comel sangat..memang mcm amoi..