Wednesday, 26 January 2011

reverse cycling baby

dah dua hari mata aku masuk kategori mata panda..
i have 2 sleepless night..
tak tau apesal hati ni resah dan tak boleh tdo..

ok let me share a bit bout my baby boy aariz who is know 14months old..
aariz is a exclusive breastfed baby..
die minum hanya susu aku dari mase die lahirkan..
dan exclusive makna nye aariz tak minum susu formula langsung..
aariz minum susu ibu sepenuhnya sehingga umur aariz 6 bulan..
kemudian aku bagi solid food untuk lengkap kan pemakanan die smpai sekarang..

bile baby susu ibu..minum susu dari ibu sepenuhnya..
sampai satu mase..die akan reject minum expressed breast milk..
reject ape2 sahaja dari botol atau pon cawan melainkan plain water..
tapi kalo bersama ibu nya die akan minum direct sepuas puas hati..tapi tak semua baby macam ni tau..
this is what happen to aariz..
he is now no more drinks EBM kat nursery..

mula2 being a mother of course i am worried to the max..
kenapa my baby refused to drink my EBM..
i did some research ..
asking other BF mothers..
the same thing happen to them..

anak2 yang minum dengan ibu direct time malam biasanye dipanggil reverse cycling baby
ape tu reverse cycling baby?

What is reverse cycling?

Reverse cycling is when baby nurses frequently at night and less frequently during the day.

Why do some babies reverse cycle?

  • Newborns may reverse cycle in the early days or weeks simply because they have their days and nights mixed up.
  • Distractible (and/or very active) babies or toddlers may nurse more at night to make up for missed or shortened nursing sessions during the day.
  • If mom is very distracted or busy during the day, baby may nurse more at night to make up for missed or shortened nursing sessions, or simply to get more uninterrupted time with mom.
  • If mom is away from baby during the day, baby may take just enough milk (by bottle or cup) to "take the edge off" his hunger, then wait for mom to return to get the bulk of his calories. Baby will typically nurse more often and/or longer than usual once mom returns. Some mothers encourage reverse cycling so they won't need to pump as much milk. Reverse cycling is common for breastfed babies who are away from mom part of the day, especially those just starting out with the bottle.
source is taken from

in my case, i highlighted in red sebab its the same thing happen to me..
being a working time aku tak dapat nak direct feed my baby..
kepada ibu ibu kat luar sana..
please jangan panic..
don't jump to conclusion by giving formula milk too soon..
there is always other options to solve this matter..

make sure all mothers out there bagi anak2 makan good and balance food..
as you know susu is calcium make sure u give your child something to replace the calcium they missed..
for instance ibu2 boleh bagi anak makan cheese..
drinking fresh milk atau sayur2 or kacang2 yang high in calcium..
like myself i still cook for my baby every morning without fail to nursery..
aku bekalkan 3 bekas utk 3 kali makan..
pernah jugak aku bekal kn susu dlm kotak kecik such as milo or chocolate drink..snacks..
tapi cikgu die tak rajin nak bagi si kenit aariz makan..

make sure when you are with your baby..
please direct feed them on demand..when ever anak2 nak..
bagi je..tho dalam kereta..kat shopping complex..rumah sedara..
your child needs you more this time..
lagi pon bukan selamanya your baby attach to you..
at one point die akan wean off dgn sendiri nya..
so why not enjoy this precious moment kan?

i have my own paed tau..
kira ape2 hal i always consult to this paed yang ade clinic kat sri damansara ni..
besides shes a lady die just near by my house and murah..
tho child specialist clinic..if you compared to others still murah tau..
die tak berapa nak pro about BF..
everytime aku bwk anak pg clinic die..die akan suruh start bagi formula kat aariz..
which is i don't agree..
tapi buat tak tahu je la..
dalam islam pon digalakkan susukan anak dengan susu ibu sampai umur 2 tahun..
so ape yang orang cakap i just don't bother..

i want you mothers out there to do the same..
jgn cepat melatah if your anak tiba2 change..
please remain calm..
do some research and findings..
you will get the answer if you look for it..
jgn cepat dgr orang cakap itu ini..
because its your child kan..why must other people tell you what to do..
you as a mother knows what is best for your child..

take care and have fun reading!

lotsa love-umi aariz:)

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